Consistent with the concern to maintain the reputation of Pick Up SRL in the field of import, production and sale of accessories for pick up machines, 4x4 respectively SUV, and to produce products that meet customer requirements and expectations, the Executive Director through management the company decided to introduce the integrated management system of quality, environment, health and safety at work — in accordance with the requirements of SR EN ISO 14001:2015 and SR ISO 45001:2018. The quality management system has been implemented since 2017.
The attention of the company is constantly maintaining an open dialogue with customers, suppliers and other interesting parties, in order to communicate their quality, environment and safety requirements, to better understand and meet their requirements and expectations, taking into account the context in which the processes of society take place.
In May Pick Up SRL obtained the Certificates for the Quality Management System ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System, ISO 45001:2015 Occupational Health and Safety Management System was extended ISO 9001:2015 quality management.